Sunday, February 10, 2013

Meditation Now Week 5 - Surrender Your Heart

Matthew 22: 37
Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’

Give God your all consuming devotion with all your heart. 

 Hi Dear Ones.  Did you try to love God this week with all your heart?  Was it complicated?  Was it even difficult to use your heart to give God your all consuming devotion?  Did you find yourself asking how do I use my heart?  I found it somewhat of a challenge despite the fact that I desperately wanted my heart to seek God and love God.  My heart wants to love Him.  My heart wants to reach out to Him, but I am just not sure how exactly.  Are you feeling anything like that?
I have good news.  God gave me some instruction to help us love Him with all our heart.  Last week was a great meditation to remind us that God wants us to love Him with all our heart and give Him our all consuming devotion.  This week He gives us a way to make it happen.  Is that not a thrill for you?  It is a thrill for me.  I am so excited to learn any way to love my Father God more.  He gave me the word “surrender” from a song I heard in church today.  Do you know what part of you can give and surrender easier than the rest of you?  Your heart.  To begin to love the Lord you God with all your heart, start by surrendering it to Him.  Simply tell God, you Father, “I surrender my heart to you.”  Say, “My Creator I give you my heart.”  Surrender you heart to the One who created it and knows your heart completely.  Give the heart He created back to Him. 

Surrendering your heart begins with confession.  Start with confessing it with your mouth.  You need to say it, and say it aloud.  Say it sincerely.  Say it with conviction.  Let Satan hear you.  Let Satan hear your determination to love the Lord your God with all your heart. 

Step 1 is simply this: Tell your God:
"I surrender my heart to you Father!”

"I hand over my heart to you God.”

“I grant you my heart.”

"I give it over to you.”

You can surrender your heart.  You really can!  If you have ever fallen in love then you know you can surrender your heart.  It may have been scary to give your heart to another person but if you have been in love you did just that – you surrendered your heart to someone.  You let your guard down and took a risk.  You can do the same thing with your heart for God, but there is no risk involved.  There is no risk because God first loved you and He loves you unconditionally forever.  It may not feel exactly the same as when you feel in love with another human being but it will feel very similar because it is your heart again.  Try it!  Please. 
It is actually easy to give your heart to God compared to giving up your soul or your mind.  Try to surrender your mind to God with all that clutter from day to day activities and all those thoughts swimming around.  Your mind is a busy machine – not so easy to surrender.  And to surrender your soul to God means giving up your entire being – not easy.  Those emotions do not give up easily.  Therefore be glad I ask you only to give up your heart to God.  Your heart does not put up the fight that your mind and soul do.  Your heart is willing and actually open to surrender to its Creator.  Your heart pounds from the hands of its Creator.  Your heart yearns for its Father.  So go ahead dear let it go, hand it over.  Surrender your heart, who is much more willing than your mind and your soul.
Now that you know you can surrender your heart because you most likely have done it in the past, let’s get started.  Start with confession.  Say to God, your heart’s Creator and Father, that you surrender your heart to Him.  Say it in as many ways as you can think of.  Say it over and over again.  As you confess more and more your heart will comply.  Tell your heart what to do!
As you tell your Father that you want to give your heart to Him – close your eyes, put your hand on your heart and just enjoy it.  Enjoy surrendering something to God.  Even if you do not feel one thing – enjoy surrender to God.  Surrender is freeing.  Giving anything to God is freeing.  Also know as you confess your surrender to God, He is pleased.  God is pleased with your great desire to love Him with all your heart.  He is pleased how you are willing to try to love Him with all your heart.  He enjoys your confession of love for Him with your gesture of giving up your heart.  So enjoy it!
This is your super delightful homework for this week:

·       Confess with your mouth aloud that you surrender your heart to your Father God

·       Enjoy your surrender.

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