Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Receive A Discerning Heart This Very Day!

 Dear Lovely Ladies,

This week ends our lessons on receiving a "discerning heart."  God has surely moved us throughout the last few weeks to desire a discerning and wise heart like we never have before.  God has shown us the many benefits we can receive and the many benefits we can give out to others with a discerning heart.  I hope and pray that God worked inside of you through these studies and your personal walk with Him, to bring you to a place that yearns for a discerning heart.

Solomon asked for a discerning heart in order to carry out his duties as a follower of God.  Solomon asked for a discerning heart to carry out his duties as one faithful to God.  Solomon asked for a discerning heart in order to carry out his duties of one who is righteous and upright in heart.  Solomon asked for a discerning heart to carry out his duties as a man leading others to walk in God’s way.

Do you ask God for help in order to carry out your duties as a Christian?  Do you pray for help to carry out your duties according to God’s plan for your life?  What are we praying for?  Why do we find it so difficult to see the answers?  Could it be what we pray for?  Could we be praying for wealth, long life and no enemies?  Are we praying to God to give us those things to help us carry out our duties for God?  Or are we praying to God for things?  “Oh, God, I need a new car… Dear God, I need a new job… Oh Father, rescue me from this difficult person at work… God, help, I need money… God, I need help with my debt. Help! Help, God, help!!”

Let us today pray for something different, something with great benefit to ourselves and to others.  Please follow me in this prayer to God requesting our hearts to change and become the discerning heart Solomon so desired.

Oh God,
O Lord my God, you have made me your representative on earth.  But I am only a little child, lacking knowledge of your Word and the right things to say.  I do not know how to carry out my duties on earth as a child of God.  I do not know how to lead people to know you.  Father, I don’t come to you requesting things or rescue, I know you will provide those to me.  I come now asking for something to help me fulfill my duties as a child of God living on earth.  I want a discerning heart to make wise decisions in carrying out my purpose in you God.

I want to focus all of my attention on the duties that you have for me on earth and not those things that I think I need.  I know you, dear God, will provide me with the things I need.  Father, give me that discerning heart that Solomon received.  Give me wisdom to distinguish right from wrong, so that I too can make decisions based on good and Godly things.

Thank you, Father; for it is written that if anyone lacks wisdom, he can ask for it and it will be given to him generously.

At this very time, Father, I know you have generously given me a discerning heart with wisdom to make the right and good decisions to better carry out my duties in you.  I know it will be a journey that may not be instant or easy, but as I walk through each decision I will know that I now have what Solomon, King Solomon, had: A Discerning Heart!

I will take notice every step of the way as my discerning heart shows up with decision making.  I don’t care if I don’t feel any differently.  I don’t care if it does not appear that I am changed.  I believe your Word.  I believe that Solomon received a discerning heart the instant he asked for it, and I believe that I did too!  I praise you God for enabling me to carry out my duties for you on earth.

Thank you, Father.
In your Son's name, Jesus

After the words in this prayer are spoken, out loud I hope, know you have received what your Father God has offered to give you.  Know He gave it to you generously without finding fault.  Nothing you have done, no faults, can stop God from giving generously to you the discerning heart you request.  Even if you live in fault now as you ask, God is pleased with such a lovely request because He knows you want to change.

He wants to give you a discerning heart to help you change.  Therefore it is done.  It has been given to you, you who ask for it.

After you follow this prayer and then receive God's free gift of a discerning and wise heart, start looking for it to show up.  It may seem unnoticeable in the beginning.  Satan surely does not want you to believe that you have received something so powerful.  Satan does not want you to actually believe you have a heart that can so easily distinguish from good and evil.  Satan wants evil to stay cloudy and uncertain.  If you believe that you now own discernment in your heart, that gives you a big dose of confidence.  You will begin to feel power over decision making.  You will begin to doubt your decisions less because you will be discerning what is right and good.  You will be looking for the right and Godly action to take.

Satan is going to try to stop this kind of power.  He does not want you to be led by your Godly heart.  He wants you to question each and every move you make.  But too bad.  We have already asked for a discerning heart and received it.  Too late Satan!  We also received it with confidence. We don't care if we feel no different or seem to act no different so far.  We know that God offered it to us and gave it to us generously.

So here is your work for the week.  Yes Girls, I said work this time.  Is it easy?  Is it still the easy Bible study?  Well it is not necessarily time consuming or homework.  But I can't say it is easy.  Because this week you have to put up a bit of a fight.  You have to prevent Satan from creating doubt and disbelief in what you know you received.  He is going to try.  The last thing Satan wants is for you to possess something that brings others to Christ.

This week start looking for evidence of your discerning heart.  When you face decisions big or small watch to see what your discerning heart does for you.  God wants you to see this new discerning heart in action. Look for every little step your discerning heart takes.  In fact I want you to take it to paper.  Put your evidence in writing.  At the top of the page write a heading such as this: My Discerning Heart in Action.  Next take time to thing about any decisions you make this week or maybe over the last few weeks as we studied this.  You have been asking for a discerning heart already.  Today we just made it a more official, so to speak.  Look over the last few weeks or start looking at your decisions this week.  

Notice and watch for your discerning heart.  You will find it, maybe where you least expected it.   It is very exciting to do this!  Your faith will sky rocket when you notice that God indeed gave you what you requested in prayer.   It did not take long.  Of course He wants you to have a discerning heart quickly.  He loves you and wants to give your everything to help you walk with Him.  So take notice this week.  Watch for your discerning heart.  And write it down.  Writing it down makes it even more real.  It is in black and white for you to see as your hand moves across your paper. 

 If you feel really bold, and I know you are, tell somebody what God gave you and the evidence that backs it up.  Feel free to tell me.  Send me a commment and tell me what your new discerning, wise heart has been up to this week.  I would love, love to hear about it.  You know I understand and will celebrate it with you.  I did write down two decisions that my discerning heart made recently after writing this lesson.  It was purely amazing.  My faith grew.  I was positively convinced that God gave me a discerning heart.

I am so very thrilled for you this week as you see your discerning, wise heart in action.

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