Thursday, March 25, 2010

Who Said Anything About Faith?

This Bible Study is called How to See Answers to Prayer Clearly.  At this time we are studying the throne of grace and how to approach it.  What does this have to do with seeing answers to prayer clearly?  Approaching God's throne, the throne of grace, is prayer.  Prayer is approaching God.  In Week 8 - Where Do My Prayers Go?  we discussed this.  If you missed that one you may want to read it at Series 2 Bible Study - Week 8.  Examining our approach to the throne of grace is examining our prayer life.  The more we learn about prayer and gain comprehension of it, the more we will see our answers to prayer clearly.  It starts with bringing the truth to light through God's Word.  This is why we are in the midst of such an extensive look at grace itself.  Learning about grace may seem broad at times but hang in there, we are going to change our view of our prayer lives.  We are going to a place most of us have never seen when it comes to our prayers. And we will begin to see the answers to our prayers clearly. 

Today we continue to look at fears that could prohibit us from approaching the throne of grace, thus approaching God.  Last week we discussed the fear of "I am just not good enough" to approach the throne of grace.  Hopefully you know now that this fear is unfounded because grace is for the sinner.  Grace was created for the sinner and calls all sinners to it.  What other fears might be prohibiting you from approaching the throne of grace?  Remember we are looking for reasons why you can not seem to approach the throne of grace with confidence.  The opposite of confidence is fear.  So what fear might be hindering or stopping you from an approach to grace? 

How about the fear of "My faith is not that strong" to approach the throne of grace.  Uh oh.  Okay let's look at that one. 

Fears Prohibiting me from approaching grace:

A. Fear of "I am just not good enough"  Dispelled
B.  Fear of "My faith is not that strong"

     Thoughts could include any of the following:
  1. I am a Christian but my faith is not very strong.
  2. I don't know if I have enough faith to do that.
  3. I need more faith to do that.
  4. I am trying but I don't feel that strong in faith.
  5. Grace is too hard for me to understand. 
"My faith is not that strong" to approach the throne of grace.  Oh my goodness.  Who said anything about faith anyway?  Are you a sinner?  Did you accep Jesus, the creation of grace, in your heart?  Do you believe in God?  Do you believe he sent his Son to save you?  Do you believe God created you and this world?  Do you believe God's Word?

Have you ever seen God?
If no, do you still believe He exists?
Have you ever seen heaven?
If no, do you still believe it exists?
Have you ever seen Jesus?
If no, do you still believe Jesus is real?

Do you know anyone who has ever seen God, Jesus or heaven? 
If no, do you still believe they exists?

Do you believe the words of the Bible?
Have you ever met any of the authors of the Bible?
Do you know anyone who has met any of them?
If no, do you still believe it?
Have you ever prayed to God?

"Your faith is not that strong" to approach throne of grace.  Isn't approaching God and his throne of grace prayer?  Maybe you have never looked at it that way.  We need to look at prayer as approaching God and his throne of grace.  You feel your faith is not strong enough to approach grace?  Fear you don't have enough faith it do it? 

I think you probably just answered "yes" or agreed with the questions that were asked previously regarding your Christian faith.  If you are a Christian you answered "yes" to the question "Do you beleive in God?"  You also answered "yes" to the question "Do you beleive in God having never seen Him?"  You also answered "yes" to the question "Do you beleive the words of the Bible?" 

Let's just take a brief look at your beliefs as a Christian.  If you are a Christian this is what you choose to believe:
  1. I am a sinner.
  2. I accepted Jesus in my heart.
  3. I believe in God - without ever seeing Him or knowing anyone who has seen Him.
  4. I believe God sent His son to save me.
  5. I believe God created me and this world.
  6. I beleive in God's Word.
  7. I believe in heaven - without ever seeing it and know no person who has seen it.
  8. I beleive in Jesus.
  9. I believe the words of the Bible - without ever meeting any of the authors and know no one who has ever met them.
  10. I have prayed to God
without ever seeing him or knowing anyone who has seen Him,
without ever meeting any of the authors of the Bible or knowing anyone who has met them,
without ever seeing Jesus or knowing anyone who has seen Jesus,
without ever seeing heaven or knowing anyone who has seen heaven.

Thus I have made a choice to believe in God and his Word.  I have made a choice to believe in God even though I have never seen God, nor anybody that I know has seen Him.  I have made a choice to believe in Jesus and accept Him into my heart without having ever seen Him, nor anybody that I know has ever seen Him.  I  have made a choice to believe in the Bible even though I have never met any of the authors of it, nor anybody that I know have met any of the authors.  I have made a choice to believe in heaven even though I have never seen heaven, nor anyone that I know has seen it. 

You made a choice to believe in God, Jesus, heaven and God's Word not based on anything you have seen in the way of God, Jesus, heaven or the authors of the Bible.  You chose to believe these things.  Faith did not just leap into you lap one day.  A good sermon did not make faith pop into your soul or heart.  You chose to believe.  You made a clear choice to believe these things and not even based on ever meeting or seeing God, Jesus or even the authors of the Bible. 

You made a choice.

So don't talk to me about faith or your lack of it.  Don't tell me your faith is not strong enough to approach the throne of grace.  Your faith did not choose to accept Jesus into your life, you did!  You chose Jesus.  So you go and choose to approach the throne of grace.  Choose to do it, just as you chose to believe in God and Jesus.  Make a choice to approach the throne of grace.   You don't have to depend on faith to choose this.  Yes faith can help you get there of course.  But you can choose to do it. 

Choose to approach the throne of grace.  Choose it like you chose to believe in God and Jesus.  Fear #2 that could prohibit you from approaching the throne of grace was:  "My faith is not that strong."  Now we can dismiss that fear because we know that we choose to approach the throne of grace. 

Once we can remove any fear that prevents us from confidently approaching the throne of grace, we will learn exactly how to approach it.  But first we want to make sure everyone is on board.  We don't want fear to cause anyone to be left out.  Even if these fears do not pertain to you at this time, it is always good to learn what other brothers and sisters in Christ face.  It is great to have an understading of others and their circumstances.  

This week take a good long look at the choices you have made to become a Christian.  Pour over those questions I presented in this teaching.  Realize the excellent choices you have made and can make in the future.  Now you know that you can choose to approach God, his throne of grace no differently than you choose to pray or believe in Him.  Throughout the week say:
"I chose to believe in God, Jesus and grace."
"Therefore I am born again."
"Therefore I am a Christian."
"I chose to believe in God's Word."
"Therefore I am a believer."
"I chose."
"I am."
"I will continue to choose."
"I choose to approach the throne of grace with confidence!

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