Thursday, January 31, 2013

Answer to the Question of the Week

Question of the week?
What do these people from the Bible have in common?  Consider each name carefully. 
ANSWER:  All these people from the Bible heard from God! 
{This is the first or one reference that I found.  It is not always the only reference with most of the people listed.  This may not be a complete list.  God gave me this research, and I simply flipped through the pages of the Bible.  There are likely more people to add to the list.}
Adam - Genesis 3: 9-12
Eve - Genesis 3: 13
Cain – Genesis 4: 6-7

Noah – Genesis 6:13-21

Shem – Genesis 9: 1-11

Ham – Genesis 9: 1-11

Japheth – Genesis 9: 1-11

Abraham – Genesis 12: 1-3

Hagar – Genesis 16: 7

Sarah – Genesis 18: 13-15

Abimelech – Genesis 20: 3

Rebekah – Genesis 25: 23

Isaac – Genesis 26: 2-5

Jacob – Genesis 31:3

Joseph – Genesis 37: 6-7

Moses – Exodus 3: 4

Miriam – Numbers 12:4

Aaron – Numbers 12: 4

Balaam – Numbers 22: 9

Joshua – Deuteronomy 31: 23

Gideon – Judges 6:12

Manoah – Judges 13:13

Samuel – 1 Samuel 3:4

David – 1 Samuel 23: 11

Nathan – 2 Samuel 7: 4-5

Solomon – 1 Kings 3: 5

Jehu – 1 Kings 16: 1-2

Elijah – 1 Kings 17:2-3

Elisha – 2 Kings 7: 1

Azariah – 2 Chronicles 15: 1-2

Micaiah – 2 Chronicles 18: 13

Jahaziel – 2 Chronicles 20: 14-15

Obed – 2 Chronicles 28: 9

Manasseh – 2 Chronicles 33: 10

Job – Job 38: 1-3

Ahaz – Isaiah 7:10

Isaiah – Isaiah 20: 1-2

Jeremiah – 1:4-5

Ezekiel – Ezekiel 1:3

Nebuchadnezzar – Daniel 4:31-32

Daniel – Daniel 10: 10-11

Hosea – Hosea 1:1

Joel – 1:1

Amos – Amos 1:3

Obadiah – Obadiah 1:1

Jonah – Jonah 1:1

Micah – Micah 1:1

Nahum – Nahum 1:1

Habakkuk – Habakkuk 1:1

Zephaniah – Zephaniah 1:1

Haggai – 1:1-3

Zechariah – Zechariah 1:1

Malachi – Malachi 1:1

Joseph – Matthew 1:20

Zechariah – Luke 1:13

Mary – Luke 1:28

Paul – Acts 9:4

Ananias – Acts 9:10

Peter – Acts 10:13

Cornelius – Acts 10:30

John – Revelation 1: 1

Men, women, parents, children, husbands, wives, God fearing, non-God fearing, kings, servants, murderers, sinners, disbelievers, judges, prophets, priests, the least, the barren,  the old, the young, prisoners, the rich, the poor, the fearful, the distrusting, warriors, troubled, the insecure, the disobedient, the obedient, the sad, disciples, a centurion…all heard from God.

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