Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Too busy for God?

Overwhelmed with your busy schedule and finding time to spend with God?

A solution has arrived. Try this simple Bible study that is intended to give the busy woman confidence in her God and His plans for her life. God provides solutions for our busy schedules and how to spend time with Him in the middle of the hectic day.

Follow The Busy Woman's Bible Study NEW 2013 Bible Study for real life solutions. God loves you so much and wants to spend time with you. He has provided ways for us to keep Him with us throughout our busy day. Learn how through this very EASY weekly online/email Bible Study.


2013 New Bible Study is

Meditation Now, Learning how to love your God more!  Based on Matthew 22: 37-38

37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and greatest commandment.

God will take us through easy lessons in meditating on these verses from His Word.  Expect increase in your love for God as you learn just how to love Him with all heart, soul and mind.  Expect God to reveal things to you personally as you grow closer to Him.  Expect great things as you focus on your love for God.

Meditation Now, Learning how to love your God more!  - the Bible Study begins weekly on January 14, 2013. 

Enjoy this easy study by

·       Email – receive short emails once a week !

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· – posted weekly


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