Thursday, March 28, 2013

O My Soul - Meditation Now Bible Study

Jesus replied: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.”
Matthew 22: 37

 How do I love the Lord my God with all my soul?  Your soul is described in Psalm 103:1 as your inmost being. 

Psalm 103:1
Praise the Lord, my soul;
all my inmost being, praise his holy name.

If your soul is your inmost being, then it is not your outmost being.  Your soul is not your physical body – your outmost being.  Your soul is not your senses of sight, taste, smell, touch or hearing that come from your body – the outmost being.  Your soul has nothing to do with your body, your outside.  It has everything to do with your inside – what is inside of you.  Your soul is not your inner body parts, but it is that part of you made in the likeness of God.  Does God have a physical body filled with internal body parts?  No.  Your soul is not physical in anyway.  It is that part of you that is like God – your inmost being. 
To love the Lord your God with all your soul does not involve any physical part of you.  It does not involve using your hands or strength to do something for God.   It does not involve what your eyes see or your ears hear.  Loving God with all your soul has nothing to do with me writing God’s words right now because as I sit hear, hear God’s words and write them on paper I am using my outermost being to get the job done.  I am using my eyes and hands.  Although my spirit hears the Lord and his words, my physical self works it out in the physical realm.  At this moment I may be obeying God, honoring God, seeking God and loving God, but I am not loving God with my inmost being.  I am sure many of you beg to differ but take some time to consider your inmost being and how it works. 
How do I find my inmost being, my soul?  Look away from your senses, your physical self and look inside.  Want an easy place to start?  Let’s start with closing off our physical, outermost being to the best of our ability.  It’s not as difficult as you may think.  Take these steps to show God you earnestly want to discover your soul and love him with all of it. 
Steps to discover my inmost being by closing off my outmost being:

1.       Close off my hearing with my ears. 

·       Put yourself in a place of no sounds, a quiet place completely free of distractions and noise. 

2.       Close off my smell.

·       Put yourself in a place void of smells (food, laundry…).

3.       Close off my taste.

·       Remove all things from your mouth including gum.

4.       Close off my touch.

·       Sit where nothing touches your back or arms.  Kneel before God.  Avoid things touching you while you kneel.  (Psalm 95: 6 Come, let us bow down in worship,
let us kneel before the Lord our Maker)

5.       Close off my sight.

·       Easy one.  Close your eyes.

These simple steps will help you close off your outermost being so you may come closer to your innermost being – your soul.  However you mind will now kick in overdrive to distract you.  I don’t care.  You don’t care.  Soon we will learn how to love the Lord our God with all our soul.  If your mind gets very busy with this opportunity of no outside input, it’s ok.  It will happen.  However you can continue to seek your soul and most likely get a peak of it. 

After you have taken all 5 steps to close off the outside, kneeling with head down before your Maker with eyes shut, simply tell God your intent.  After that be still and quiet.  Let God and your soul do the rest.

Dear God,
I am here.  I have taken every measure I can to close off my outermost being.  Although my mind is busy, I am here God to discover my inner most being so that I can learn to love you with all my soul.  I will seek my soul in this quiet place I have arranged.  Let me see any of it you will and teach me how to use my soul to love you more. 
In Jesus Name,

You guessed it.  This is your homework for next several days.  I know you are busy but are you seriously too busy to make time to meet your very own soul?  I hope not because God has something good in store for you when you take time on your knees searching for ways to love him better.  How could God not honor that?  Of course he will.  You honor God and seek your soul.  Visualize God’s view of you on your knees, head bowed, eyes shut away from all noise, smells and taste simply seeking a part of you that is made in his image.  God will see honor from you and he will honor you for such an effort.  So watch out this could be a whole new part of you that you never saw or knew but can now discover and enjoy. 

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