Thursday, March 14, 2013

What is My Soul God?

Matthew 22:37

Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’

Dear Friends,
I apologize for the delay in this week’s Meditation Now Bible Study.  I have been meditating and listening for God’s voice to write this next study but have not been certain of what to write.  I had some ideas, but given the subject is discussing our souls I wanted to completely, without hesitation, write from God’s voice.  I don’t want to attempt to define the word “soul” on my own. 
So good news He has sent me a verse to help us learn and define the word “soul” and its meaning for each of us. 
Matthew 16:26
For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?
Your soul has nothing to do with your success in this world pertaining to money, things, relationships, power, or status.  You can be a huge success in the world’s eyes but still lose your soul.  You can be rich but still lose your soul.  You can have a great career but still lose your soul.  Your soul is eternal. 
Are you in touch with your soul?  I want to think I know my soul but honestly I am not sure.  Do you know your soul? 
This week we will keep it very simple before we move on to learning how to love God with all your soul.  For your meditation you are going to spend some time listening.  You will listen to yourself and to God to discover your soul.  Simply begin by prayer and asking God to teach you more about your soul, maybe just introduce you to your soul.  Each morning, afternoon and night pray to your Creator of your soul to reveal to you what your soul is and who it is in you.  Then listen, ponder, question, and wonder about your soul.  This will be the first step to discovering your soul.  Have you ever thought very much about your soul?  Have you ever ask God to introduce you to your soul and teach you more about it?  Well now is the time. 
Dear Father God, Creator of our souls,
Help us to learn more about who we truly are by discovering our souls.  We ask that you introduce us to our souls and help us understand them more.  Father we want to know our souls so that we can love you with all of our soul.  You gave us this study to bring us closer to you, and this study includes loving you with all our soul.  So now teach us about this part of us, our soul.  We will listen, meditate and be open to thinking about our souls.  We are ready to dive into new territory that will enable us to love you more. 
In Jesus Name,

·       Ask God to introduce you to your soul.

·       Be open, meditate and ponder on this part of you – the soul.

·       Listen while God reveals your soul to you.

·       Be amazed at learning part of you that you did not know so well.

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