Monday, February 25, 2013

Oh My Heart - Meditation Now Week 7

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.

    Matthew 22:37

Hi Lovely Hearts.  This week we are going to talk about our hearts once again but probably not in the way you expect.  We have confessed a surrender of our hearts to God and looked at our many blessings to be reminded of reasons we love God with our hearts.  But this week we are going to a new territory that you may not think belongs to God.  However I assure you it does, and you will discover that I am correct if you allow yourself to go there. 
Oh my heart.  Oh my heart.  It has loved, it has been broken. It has been shocked, popped, smacked, beat, and bruised.  It has been up, it has been down. It has been elated and deflated.  It has been loved, it has loved.  It has been unloved, and it has unloved.  It has been rejected, and it has rejected.  Oh my heart.  Oh my heart.  It has dated, it has undated.  It has been married, it has been divorced.  It has been lonely, desperate, sad, mad, and grumpy.  It has been ecstatic, giddy, sweet, laughing and joyful.
Oh my heart. Oh my heart.  It simply craves love.  It swells at sweet romantic words.  It thirsts for a mate.  It cries to no longer sit alone.  Then a day comes that the heart finds a mate.  The day comes that the heart smiles for the first time in a very long time.  The heart hears words it forgot exist.  The heart hears it is worthy to be loved.  The heart feels pretty when it did not know it was pretty.  The heart finds a match.  The heart feels desirable, wanted and even needed.  The heart not only smiles, it giggles, it laughs and it is so happy it sings.  The heart is in love.  The heart is loved and loves back. 
Have you ever been in love or thought you were in love based on things you felt in your heart?  Did you ever actually feel something inside your body, in your heart area, change?  Did you feel it skip a beat, beat faster, beat slower or just move?  Did you feel it maybe even melt?  I think it is very likely if you are a woman, not a girl, you have felt these type of heart feelings in your life. 
You see your heart does respond to love.  It responds to loving words and actions.  Being in love with another person or even just receiving love from another person causes your heart to move in some way inside you.  I don’t need to convince you of that because you have most likely lived it and probably more than once.  Don’t deny that your heart has the ability to feel things inside your body.  Why deny it?  At this time I am only referring to romantic love but you know that many types of love move your heart.  The love you have for your children, parents, siblings and friends can cause your heart to feel inside of you.  But for now let’s focus on those movements your heart receives when you feel romantic love or think you may have it. 

God created you.  Right?  Anyone disagree with that?  God created you, and that includes your heart.  Jeremiah 1:5 says “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you.”   God created every part of you.  God created your heart.  God knows what your heart is capable of and what it has been through.  God knows parts of your heart you are not even aware of yet.  And yes God knows that your heart loves romantically.  He knows your heart enjoys romantic love.  God created you to love.  Dear Ladies God created woman for man.  He is well aware of our heart’s desires for love from a man.  Now whether God has that type of love for your heart at the present time or future I cannot say that is between you and God.  What we do need to be aware of and not hide away is the fact that our hearts want love.  Our hearts greatly yearn for love. 
EHarmony,, Christian mingle, matchmaking services, singles groups and more organizations all work for your heart to find what is yearns for when alone.  There is no need to deny this.  It is true.  I know.  My heart craves, yearns, and cries for love.  Your heart may also.  So God asked me go to this territory of my heart to take a look at how it is a part of loving Him.  That does not seem quite right because we love God in a different way, it is not romantic.  It’s not?  Our love for God does not contain all the components of love we have for a man, but it has many of them.  And that is what we are going to explore so that we can love God with ALL of heart, not just some of it. 
Here is what I want to ask you based on God’s direction.  Look at the feelings your heart had or has from falling in love, receiving love or being in love – from a man.  We are going to explore those feelings in order to capture them and appreciate them.  Then we will take them to a place where we can translate them to loving God more.  Are you ready for this?  It may not sound appealing to all of you, not even me.  However I trust God.  I trust the heart He created inside me.  I trust my love for Him.  So let’s go. 

Questionnaire for your Heart
(Heart only, no minds please)

1.       Dear Heart, What did you first feel when you thought you were falling in love or heard loving words?  What was that initial inside feeling? 
2.       Dear Heart, if you can’t remember how it felt when you first felt love or being loved then imagine how it would feel to you now. 

3.       Dear Heart, what word best describes how you felt when another heart told you that you were beautiful, pretty or super worthy?

4.       Dear Heart, what feelings emerged once you realized your heart was loved and you began to give love in return? 
5.       Dear Heart, are you real?  Dear Heart do you feel things inside of me?  Dear Heart, do you work just as actively as the rest of me?
Conclusion coming. 

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