Sunday, March 3, 2013

Dear Heart I Am Here!

Dear Heart, Hello again.  I am talking to you Heart.  This one’s for you. 

Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.    Revelation 3:20
Jesus is knocking on the door of your heart.  Do you hear him knocking?  “Here I am!” he exclaims.  “Here I am!” he says.  Jesus says to you sweet one – “Here I am!  I stand at the door and knock.”  Jesus is telling you dear one that He is here.  “Here I am!” he proclaims to you.  Jesus says I am here; I stand here at the door and knock.  Jesus, your Jesus, is telling you he is here, and not only is he here for you, he is knocking on your door – the door to your heart. 
“Here I am!”
He knocks on your door.  He is trying to reach your heart.  He wants you to open that door.  He wants inside.  Jesus is here.  “Here I am!” he says.  He knocks on the door to your heart.  He wants to get to your heart. 

Revelation 3:20
Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.

If you hear his voice and open the door to your heart, He will come in.  You only have to open that door.  That is all.  When you open the door He will come in and eat with you and you with him.  Now that may not make complete sense to you but the most important thing to remember in this verse is that  Jesus will come in your heart as soon as you open that door.  The second you open it, He comes in. 

So what does it mean that he will eat with me and I will eat with him?  Jesus will come in your heart but he will also be with you.  He will spend time with you.  He will be with you and you will be with him.  Jesus is going to come in and eat with you.  Jesus is not going to come in after you open the door, look at you and then skip out.  No!  Once he gets in he is going to sit down with you, he is going to spend time with your heart and he wants your heart to spend time with him.  Jesus is not coming in for a brief time.  Jesus wants to be with your heart, not for a moment, but to have a real meal with you.  Jesus wants to let your heart know him and he also wants to know your heart. 

Oh sweet one, Jesus is outside the door of your heart right now, this very moment saying “Here I am!”  Visualize that dear.  Visualize precious Jesus standing at the door to your heart saying “Here I am _ (your name) _” Then you hear his knock, his so inviting knock.  Now all you need to do with this precious Jesus saying “Here I am!” and knocking is open that door.  How sweet and tender is this scene in my eyes.  I hope you can see it that way also. 

Now that image makes my heart pitter-patter.  Dear Jesus, who died for me, seeks my heart to the point he will call out to me and knock to wait for me to open the door.

My heart melts for him and his love for me.  My heart jumps for joy that he knocks.  My heart skips a beat in wonder and amazement that this King of Kings is calling out to me “Here I am!”  My heart is officially moved by this love.  My heart is feeling incredible love from this scene.  My heart loves Jesus.  My heart loves God.  My heart loves.  My heart feels again. 

 I love the LORD my God with all my heart because my Savior stands at my door to my heart and says “Here I am!” and he knocks. 

Meditation for this week:

Meditate on Revelation 3:20 and visualize it.  Let your heart open the door to Jesus and then enjoy the heart movements, heart feelings and the love.  Learn to love the Lord your God with all your heart.

Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.    Revelation 3:20

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